My Post-Pandemic [sic] Re-entry Continues
I have around 30 pandemic-acquired pounds to lose.
Now, before you rush to my side with worries of self-induced fat shaming, let me be clear.
I say this because my doctor suggested as much.
And I love and respect my doctor who has seen me through my share of serious health scares over the last 20+ years. About a year ago, at my last physical, he turned to me and asked, “So, Roland. What do you make of this recent weight gain?”
“Oh. It’s pretty simple,” I replied. “Combine these three ingredients—physical inactivity, a well-stocked fridge and a healthy dose of self-pity—and voila! The new pandemic me!”
I’d like to lose about 30 lbs. for at least three reasons:
- Vanity. I’d like to catch a glimpse of my naked self in the bathroom mirror without muttering Who would want to fuck that?
- Energy. Experience tells me that once I get into the habit of moving my body on a daily basis, my mood and productivity improve exponentially.
- Wardrobe. I have some loud and unusual pants and shirts in my closet that I’d love to be able to wear again with pleasure.
And, by the way, I never weigh myself. So it’s not really about losing a set number of pounds. It’s more about feeling comfortable standing up, running around and tying my shoelaces.
Five days ago, for the first time in a couple years, I got off my ass and started moving my body on a daily basis. And I’m already so grateful to be moving again!
Some days I hopped on the stationary bike for 10–20 minutes. Other days, like this morning, I hit the sidewalk to rediscover the neighborhood I love so much.
And this morning it took a lot of effort to force myself out the door because my lower back has been hurting… probably due to the sudden return to a less-sedentary lifestyle.
So I pushed through the discomfort and walked to one of my favorite parks making for a modest and pleasurable 30-minute start to my day.
A Sign from Heaven Above
And if I needed a sign from above that I am on the right track it came in the form of a gentle downpour about 10 minutes in.
As a devout lover of walks in the rain, this hit me like a heaven-sent gift. So I tilted my head skyward and kept walking. After reading one of my posts on the subject, a dear friend once gave me a name for what ails me.
Apparently, all my life I have been an earnest pluviophile.
Who knew?
And this pluviophile intends to move his body as much as possible in the coming weeks.
So if you happen to see me—either online or IRL—please greet me with a question: Have you moved much today?
I promise I will not resent the intrusion. I’ll be grateful for the reminder.
*Ed note: the photo at the top of this post was taken in 2017 when I was in relatively good shape. Evidence, I suppose, that with the right lens and camera angle, anything is possible.